Community Buiding: 001

Series Introduction, John Lothe and CYM chat about Community Building.



This wasn’t stated as well as I had intended in the video. I plan on doing a good majority of my upcoming work on Agorism and Counter-Economics. After speaking with John Lothe a few weeks ago, we decided to spend some time chatting about community building, and begin defining a basic framework to build upon. Check him out on Youtube, if you have been wanting to spend some time reading Tragedy and Hope by Carrol Quigley but find the massive tomb to be daunting, John has you covered.

John Lothe on Youtube:

Please feel free to add to the discussion. Your constructive input is valuable.


Additional reading, viewing.

Resources on Agorism:

John B. Calhoun, wikipedia:

Brett Veinotte, School Sucks Project, Autonomy Through Agorism Series:

Food/Water Resources: (I find sites like these inspiring, ideas that have a model that could be re-tooled, or used as is if it suits the need)

James Corbett, P2P solutions (please get involved if you have something to add. If you are not a subscriber, and find value in the content, please consider becoming a member)

Derrick Broze, Roman Van Ree, Project Dèmos: (Video)

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The 24-Pack Review

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Introducing: The Idaho Common-tater

I can’t embed the player here, and I can’t add any text to the Mixlr show-reel. So, forgive for for making you bounce back and fourth. Bear with me as I build my media empire 😉

Episodes are in reverse numeric order. Scroll down to find what you are looking for.


Episode 002 : Show Notes

Pentagon CIO: Services all in agreement on Windows 10 goal

Senate Passes Bill to Amend Freedom of Information Act

GSA Seeks New Drug Enforcement Administration HQ in Northern Virginia

CBO: US Deficit Hits $457B in First Half of Fiscal Year 2016




Episode 001 : Show Notes

How To Hide Your Billions

Big Brother Sam Sung me a Song: I’m Watching You

Secret Cellular Surveillance of Anaheim, CA

More people on Earth now obese than underweight

US Stealthily Expands Its Military Presence Across Africa

Auditor: Government Will Owe More Money Than Entire Economy Produces

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Introducing: The Creative Commons Report

The Creative Commons Report is my attempt at disseminating information gathered from some of the journalists and philosophers I myself follow. If you enjoy the content of the CCR I would encourage you to directly support the creators of the source material.

For the pilot episode, I “videoized” an article from I hope you enjoy.

Matt Haughton.

And Now For The 100 Trillion Dollar Bankster Climate Swindle…

• 02/24/2016

carbontaxby James Corbett
February 23, 2016

Quick: what’s the first thing you remember about the climate conference in Paris last December?

The weather astrologers’ absurd resolution to control the amount of temperature rise the world will experience over the next century?

Politicians grandstanding on the freshly-dead victims of their latest false flag to proclaim that their global warming nonsense was a “powerful rebuke” to their proxy terror army in Syria?

The predictable (but no less retch-inducing) hypocrisy of the jetset glitterati descending on Paris in their private jets and limousine fleets to dine on banquet lunches from Micheline-starred chefs before lecturing humanity on how we’ll all have to tighten our belts for the new climate austerity?

Of course that’s what you remember. Because that’s what you’re expected to remember. As long as you never peek under the hood, never lift the lid to check what’s inside the COP21 documents, they’re perfectly happy for the usual drivel about saving the planet to be printed in the mainstream press. They’re perfectly happy for the progressive press to print the usual nonsense lamenting the fact that there isn’t a strong enough global government to save us from the weather demons. They’re even happy for the dissenters to debunk the flawed science and point out the hypocrisies and lambaste the silly political statements because all of these things miss the heart of the issue.

The heart of the issue (for those who need it elaborated) is this: the future of $90 trillion of energy infrastructure investments and the $1 trillion green bond market and the multi-trillion dollar carbon trading market and the $391 billion (and growing) climate finance industry hangs in the balance.

Of course it does. What else explains the convergence of interest in the organizations, structures and mechanisms for global governance that the magical global thermostat narrative affords?

It’s why Enron and Goldman Sachs pioneered the emissions trading swindles (that–surprise, surprise!–are a complete and total fraud from top to bottom).

rothschildnbcIt’s why General Electric, DuPont, Johnson & Johnson, Pepsi, Siemens, AIG and a host of other Fortune 500/CFR companies joined BP, ConocoPhillips, GM and a host of other oiligarch companies as founding members of the US Climate Action Partnership whose “Blueprint for Legislative Action” became the backbone of the Wall Street-backed Waxman-Markey bill of 2009.

It’s why the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are at the forefront of the climate hysteria.

It’s why over 400 global institutional investors worth over $25 trillion have decided to cash in on the bonanza with their “Investment Platform for Climate Actions.”

Heck, it’s why EDF, Engie, Air France, Renault, BNP Paribas and a host of other oiligarch companies footed 20% of the bill for the Paris conference itself (and why the French government bent over backwards to point out their “green” credentials).

Take just one structural element of the climate swindle: the Green Climate Fund. Never heard of it? Hardly surprising. It’s just the facility through which the UN is expected to be clearing $100 billion in climate funding per year by the end of the decade. That’s right: $100 billion per year. Every year.

The Fund was established at the 2010 edition of the UN Climate Conference (COP16) in Mexico in order “to support concrete mitigation actions by developing countries that are implemented in a transparent way,” which is UN Newspeak for “create a bottomless trough of pork for corrupt kleptocrats, bureaucrats, kakistocrats and tyrants to siphon off before funneling some loose change into some makework projects.” And it brags that it represents “a new and equitable form of global governance to respond to the global challenge of climate change” which you hardly need the globalist decoder to figure out. The Fund is headquartered in the Songdo Business District of Incheon, South Korea, because the Korean Secretary-General of the UN and the Korean President of the World Bank probably just threw darts at a map (since, as we all know, blatant political nepotism never happens at those institutions).

GreedyCFEven the Fund’s biggest supporters are criticizing the “transparent way” it is handling its first disbursement. The Fund claims it consulted indigenous communities before approving $6.2 million for a Peruvian wetlands resilience programme, but there is no verification that this ever took place. Worse, details of the projects it has decided to fund so far have not been publicly released, only proposal documents (and in two cases, only a summary).

But for those who still believe this money is being handled by angels with nothing but the best interests of humanity in mind, note this passage from the Nature article on the Fund’s shadiness:

“For some, another contentious issue is that the GCF is flowing its money mainly through international organizations, such as multilateral or private banks such as the World Bank and Deutsche Bank — rather than sending it directly to institutions in developing countries where the projects are taking place.”

For some? You mean, for people with their head screwed on straight?

Oh, and the kicker? The Fund’s Executive Director just happens to be an ex-Citibank investment banker. Who woulda thunk it?

Yes, the global climate swindle is well under way, brought to you by the same trustworthy folks in the banking industry and in the Fortune 500 / CFR / globalist jetset who have been steering us into the happy economic, political and environmental conditions that we enjoy today…

…oh, wait…

climatebankersIf there’s any bright spot in all of this it’s that so far the Fund has only managed to raise just over $10 billion in pledges from the developed countries. And even that is an inflated number which includes the $3 billion which Obama made a big show of pledging in 2014 but so far hasn’t actually delivered. It’s a long way to go to get to that $100 billion/year mark they’re hoping to reach by 2020.

Don’t feel too sorry for the globalists, though. Their game is a war of attrition, and as long as people continue to buy into the narrative that all of this money is going to help the poor and downtrodden (by way of the UN and the World Bank and their corporate crony Wall Street financial institutions) then it’s only a matter of time before this thin edge of climate cronyism turns into the full wedge of global kleptocracy.

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Architects & Engineers/Firefighters for 9/11 Unity bring the Truth to the North East

I had the opportunity to speak with Richard Gage, founder of A&E 9/11 truth, about his upcoming NE tour. As well as some of his activities here in the Idaho Panhandle.

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Welcome to the Oil World Order

by James Corbett
October 24, 2015


Ever since the Rockefellers gave up selling snake oil to get into plain old crude oil, the petrochemical mafia has been transforming the world in its own image. From the destruction of America’s streetcar infrastructure to the countless wars of aggression in oil-rich areas around the world to the the creation of the “petrodollar” in the wake of the Bretton Woods collapse, the world’s political and economic fate over the past century has depended more on this “black gold” than most people ever imagine.

Of course it’s a scam. It always has been, ever since the first cartels formed around the drilling, transport and refining of oil. But, love it or hate it, moves in the oil markets dictate (or at least influence) geopolitical and financial events across the globe to this very day.

Today let’s delve into five recent stories from the oil markets that tell us something about the world we’re living in and where the oil-igarchs plan on taking us.

1. The Rise of the Petroyuan?

PetroYuanEarlier this week it was confirmed that Russia beat out Saudi Arabia as China’s number one supplier of crude oil for the second time this year. This fact may not sound significant at first glance, but to the informed eye it tells us that there are some tectonic shifts taking place both geopolitically and economically that could transform the world monetary system in the coming decades.

Sound overblown? Well consider that China is not only the world’s number one energy consumer and number one oil importer, but it is single-handedly expected to account for 25% of the growth in global demand next year. Consider also that Russia’s investment in oil transport infrastructure (specifically the ESPO pipeline for pumping Siberian crude down to its port on the Sea of Japan) is combining with a renewed trading partnership between Moscow and Beijing that includes an agreement between Gazprom Neft and the China National Petroleum Corporation to settle all oil contracts directly in yuan. And consider also that Saudi Arabia has been the backbone of the petrodollar system since the 1970s when Kissinger convinced the House of Saud to settle all oil sales in dollars and recycle those dollars back through the US financial system through the puchase of US treasuries.

So what does this all add up to? The first signs of a potential emerging rival to the global hegemony of the US dollar that the world has seen since the dollar became the world reserve after World War II.

Now let’s be clear: the yuan isn’t about to displace the dollar anytime soon. Their markets aren’t deep enough, their currency isn’t convertible enough, their trading relationships aren’t broad enough and–perhaps most importantly–their military isn’t strong enough to back a global reserve…yet.

But the move to price their oil trades directly in renminbi is undeniably the larval stage of a move toward a de-dollarized system, as is the launch of the China International Payment System and the creation of renminbi trading hubs around the world and the Bank of China’s decision to join the LBMA gold price auction and any number of other projects embarked on in recent years.

So are we facing the rise of the petroyuan, as some | headline | writers | suggest? Not quite. But the birth of the infrastructure for what could become the petroyuan? That seems undeniable.

2. ISIS Inc.

The Rothschild Nikkei Financial Times has an unintentionally revealing series of reports this week on how ISIS is funding its jihad in Syria and Iraq through oil sales. The reports detail how the NATO/Gulf state/Turkey backed terrorists have created a “bustling trade” in oil that is now pulling in as much as $1.5 million a day.

Their secret? A surprisingly professional corporate infrastructure for overseeing the pumping, transport and sale of the oil (to their enemies and captives as much as their friends). This includes open recruitment of engineers and specialists by their “human resources department” and strict accounting measures to make sure every sale is carefully tallied and all funds are properly collected.

Oh, and it probably helps that their coalition “enemies” are leaving them alone.

isisoilstrikesThat’s right. Smack dab in the middle of this mainstream report on the fearsome and incredible boogeyman du jour is an interesting infographic. It tells us that of the 10600 air strikes launched by the US-led coalition in the past 15 months, a mere 196 have bothered to target this oil infrastructure. Apparently, disrupting the enemy’s main monetary supply line just isn’t a priority for the coalition, which should only come as a shock to those who believe the coalition’s primary aim has been to actually get rid of ISIS.

The new Russian/Iraqi/Syrian coalition has already called the coalition’s bluff in a number of ways. Now, if they are serious about getting rid of ISIS watch for the next wave of SU-34 and SU-24M sorties to start doing significant damage to ISIS’ (so far unmolested) oil operations.

3. Petrobras scandal

Brazil is falling off the economic cliff. This much is not in question, and perhaps not surprising to those who saw the impressive economic gains of the past decade squandered by mismanagement, waste, fraud, corruption, over-reliance on Chinese trade and a false sense of security.

But that investors are now actively warning people away from the country’s former economic crown jewel, Petrobras? That’s a turn of fortune that not many would have predicted.

The fall from grace of the once-mighty oil giant centers on the largest corruption scandal in the history of the country. After his arrest on money laundering charges last year, Paulo Roberta Costa, Petrobras’ former chief of refining, spilled the beans on a vast system of bid-rigging and bribery that assured plush oil contracts with the state-run oil giant in return for kickbacks to politicians. The scandal, unsurprisingly, is now international, with the British now up in arms over taxpayer money getting caught up in deals between UK construction firms and Petrobras.

PetrobribeThe result? Petrobras has fallen from its position as the fourth largest energy company in the world with a market cap of over $314 billion to a minor footnote in the energy markets with a market cap of just over $30 billion, most of that loss occuring in the last year. And the company’s economic woes are far from over. An audacious sale of $2.5 billion in 100 year bonds earlier this summer earned the company some high-level enemies (including Pimco and Fidelity) after the bonds collapsed in value, and you know you’re in trouble when the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust is suing you for misrepresenting your financial situation.

But perhaps even more important than the economic impact of the scandal is the political destabilization it has added to Brazil’s already volatile mix. The allegations of corruption went all the way to the top, with suspicion falling on President Dilma Rousseff (Energy Minister and chairman of Petrobras during much of the controversy) and her predecessor, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Although the parliamentary commission investigating the case has just cleared Rousseff and Lula of any wrongdoing, their finding that “there was no proof” of their involvement in the scandal is unlikely to instill a great deal of confidence in a Brazilian public that has already had their faith in the political system shattered.

Others were not so lucky. João Vaccari Neto, former treasurer of the country’s ruling Worker’s Party, was sentenced to 15 years for his part in accepting bribes from the company, and dozens of others have been implicated in the affair.

Although the inquiry into the scandal concluded that Petrobras was the largely innocent victim of a political cartel that was taking advantage of its position in the energy markets for their own gains, the assurances are unlikely to lure back international investors or put the Brazilian public’s minds at ease. Indeed, the latest polls show Rousseff’s approval rating plunging to 10%.

Whatever else Brazilians may be hoping for to pull them out of their economic tailspin, the oil sector isn’t likely to be the answer.

4. Trudeau to Maintain Canada’s Status Quo

Although Canadians voted overwhelmingly for Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party in this week’s parliamentary elections in the apparent hope that they were going to be making a “clean break” with the Conservative regime of Stephen Harper, they are likely in for a rude awakening on a number of fronts.

Nowhere will this awakening be ruder than in the energy sector, where Trudeau’s left-wing activist support base is pinning their hopes on the Liberals to put various pipeline projects to rest and otherwise rein in the country’s oil and gas companies. This hope has been fostered by vague and amorphous statements by Trudeau on the campaign trail about how “addressing climate change” will be his government’s first priority on the economic agenda.

So will Trudeau really live up to his father’s reputation as an enemy of Alberta’s oil industry? Almost certainly not.

Liberal Party of CanadaÕs leadership candidate, Justin Trudeau, holds up a message for Liberal candidate, Harvey Locke's tumblr account after speaking to students at Mount Royal University in Calgary for a Q and A sponsored by Policy Studies Students' Society at the Wyckham House at MRU on Tuesday Nov 20, 2012. Darren Makowichuk/Calgary Sun/QMI AGENCY

Why not? Does it have something to do with the front-and-center support of a key TransCanada pipeline consultant at Trudeau’s victory rally on Monday? Or the fact the Liberal campaign co-chair just had to resign in disgrace after emails emerged detailing how he was advising TransCanada on how best to lobby a future Liberal government?

Well, yes. But more importantly there’s no way that the Canadian economy could shake its oil dependence right now even if it wanted to. With the country having entered recession in September and the Bank of Canada still cutting its growth forecast, there is no doubt that the oil shock is already acting as a significant albatross around the economy’s neck. The BoC is even predicting a further 20% reduction in energy sector spending after a 40% drop this year. In other words, the energy sector is seizing up all by itself; no Liberal help is even needed.

But if Canadians think the oil shock is hurting their economy, they’ve got nothing on some of the more oil dependent nations…

5. IMF: Gulf states are going to go bankrupt

fiscalbuffersThe IMF just released their Regional Economic Outlook for the Middle East and Central Asia and there’s some bad news in there if your last name happens to be “Al Saud.” According to the Fund, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman are likely to “run out of buffers in less than five years because of large fiscal deficits” due to stagnant oil prices. As a result, the countries are going to have to massively curtail spending or start going into debt to maintain current policies.

This is particularly bad news for Saudi Arabia, trying to flex its military might and wage its own illegal war of aggression in Yemen. The Kingdom has just greatly increased military spending to ramp up for a more active role in the volatile Middle East region, but now the Saudis are considering a range of cost-cutting measures to try to rein in their out of control spending.

This is all quite ironic considering the Saudis are at least partially responsible for the plunge in oil prices over the past 15 months as part of their deal with the (Long) devil John Kerry to squeeze the Russians. The move seems to have failed as Putin has doubled down on Syria and it’s the Saudis who are now in the position of blinking first and looking for the budget axe. But now that they have helped push the oil price rock down the hill they don’t have the power to get it back up by themselves. OPEC is dead (or divorced or dormant or however you want to put it) and it’s every man for himself trying to pump enough oil into an oversupplied market to make ends meet.

As we’ve discussed before, if this oil slump continues it’s going to have a profound impact on transforming economies around the globe, not just in the Middle East. Although the oil industry is responsible for much of the world’s ills over the past century, it is none the less true that millions of people have their livelihood tied directly to that industry and the economy as a whole is so closely tied in to the oil markets that this slump will result in real economic pain for many people around the globe.

But in the Saudi case that might mean having to rein in its notoriously insane extended royal family on their rape and torture binges at multi-million dollar mansions around the globe. I guess every economic cloud has a silver lining after all.

Recommended Reading and Viewing

Recommended Reading

26 bankers already sentenced to a combined 74 years in prison – Iceland Magazine
TPP would allow milk from cows receiving hormones into Canada –
China sets date for key meeting to draft 13th 5-year development plan –

Recommended Listening

Don’t Let David Cameron Turn You Into An “Extremist” – The Mind Renewed

Recommmended Viewing

Anderson Cooper Confronted On Being In The CIA
Google Freaks Out After Alex Jones Storms Headquarters
What Does This Creepy Rest Area and Voting in America Have in Common?

Just For Fun


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Hurricane Patricia Could Spell Massive Ongoing Border Crisis for U.S.


The imminent landfall of Hurricane Patricia on Mexican shores could spark a massive border crisis for the U.S., as Mexicans flee the storm and its predicted devastating effects. The damaged infrastructure will likely continue to feed waves of U.S.-bound migrants for years to come. A look back at 1998’s Hurricane Mitch and its destruction in Honduras and surrounding nations shows that nearly 3 million people across Central America were left homeless–and an estimated 150,000 Hondurans and Nicaraguans were granted the ability to legally stay in the U.S. by 2003, according to a 2006 comprehensive study published by the University of Houston.

To determine how long the waves of migrants will continue, we must consider the destruction Hurricane Patricia will bring to Mexico’s infrastructure. Looking at such matters through a historical lens provides some insight. Hurricane Mitch, in 1998, destroyed roads vital to struggling economies in Central America. Farms were destroyed, goods could not be delivered and sold. Economic opportunities became virtually non-existent for an already poor peoples. These immigration push factors were discussed in detail by the University of Houston’s Adriana Kugler and Mutlu Yuksel in their 2006 “Effects of Low-Skilled Immigration on U.S. Native, Evidence from Hurricane Mitch.” They wrote:

Hurricane Mitch is estimated to have generated a very high human and material cost. Mitch is estimated to have caused 20,000 deaths and 13,000 injuries; to have left 1.5 million homeless, and to have affected another 2 million in other ways (FAO, 2001). The hurricane also destroyed a large part of these countries’ road networks and social infrastructure, including hospitals and schools. Overall, FAO (2001) estimates that about 28,000 kilometers of roads and 160 bridges were destroyed. According to U.S. Aid, in El Salvador 60% of the paved roads were damaged, and 300 schools and 22 health centers were destroyed or damaged by the hurricane (US Aid, 2004). In addition, Mitch largely destroyed these countries’ crops and flooded agricultural land, reducing future production in the agricultural sector. The share of agriculture in the region’s GDP dropped from 21.2% before the hurricane to 17.8% after Mitch (FAO, 2001). The direct estimated damage to the farming sector inflicted by Mitch was of $960.6 million in Honduras, $264.1 million in Guatemala, $129.8 million in Nicaragua and $60.3 million in El Salvador. Two of the crops most affected were bananas and coffee, on which these countries’ export sector heavily depends on. According to ECLAC, the estimated damage totaled $6,18 billion or about 12% of the Regional GDP, 42% of exports, 67% of gross fixed investment, and 34% of the external debt of these countries. Even before the hurricane hit, the four Central American countries most affected by the hurricane were already among the poorest countries in all of Latin America. For example, the percent of households living below the poverty line reached 73.8%, 65.1%, 53.5% and 48% in Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and El Salvador the year before the hurricane hit (ECLAC, 2001). Moreover, the hurricane hit the hardest in rural areas and, thus, is likely to have affected mainly individuals already living under or close to the poverty line.

According to the World Bank, the main way in which Central American men responded to the disaster was by migrating North (World Bank, 2001). According to information from Migration Departments in these countries, external migration from Honduras almost tripled and external migration from Nicaragua increased by about 40% (FAO, 2001). In January 1999, Reuters and the New York Times headlines announced “Desperate Hurricane Survivors Push[ing] North to [the] U.S. Border.” In January 1999, Honduran immigration director reported that about 300 Hondurans a day were leaving for the U.S. and visa requests for the U.S. were up 40% from the previous year. According to journalistic accounts many Central Americans crossed through Mexico to get to the U.S., which is reflected by the big rise in the “other than Mexican” apprehensions in the U.S.-Mexico border, which were close to 4,000 in January 1999 (i.e., a record high for a single month). Officials at the border in Brownsville, Texas area reported a 61% increase in the number of Hondurans apprehended after illegally crossing the border during the last three months of 1998. Likewise, in the Laredo, Texas area 583 “other than Mexican” foreigners were apprehended in December 1998 compared to 123 in December 1997.

Breitbart Texas spoke with Border Patrol Agent and National Border Patrol Council Local 2455 President Hector Garza on the matter. Agent Garza stated, “Clearly, there exists a high likelihood for a coming wave of people at our Southwest border. History shows us that we see an increase in crossings from people devastated by natural disasters.”

Agent Garza expressed dismay at the Border Patrol’s parent agency, Customs and Border Protection (CBP). He said, “Our agents haven’t received any advisement or notification of the possible increase in aliens that the Border Patrol is likely soon to be overwhelmed by after Hurricane Patricia. I’ve spoken with the agents we represent and we are all very concerned about the likelihood of such a massive wave of aliens.” Repeated attempts by Breitbart Texas to contact CBP for information were unsuccessful.

Agent Garza said that the transnational criminal organization in Nuevo Laredo, immediately south of the Laredo Sector, is extremely brutal and will find a way to exploit the migrants. Agent Garza did not name the criminal group, but he was referring to Los Zetas. “They will control where aliens can cross and by doing so they will control where Border Patrol applies resources. They will utilize other areas to get narcotics across our border. They will also find a way to exploit the aliens for long-term financial gain. They will  make them into indentured servants.”

Due to the storm’s location and predicted path, the U.S. border could begin to see waves of migrants from the San Diego Sector all the way to the Gulf of Mexico, encompassing, from West to East, the San Diego, El Centro, Yuma, Tucson, El Paso, Big Bend, Del Rio, Laredo, and Rio Grande Valley (RGV) sectors of the U.S.-Mexico border. The San Diego and El Centro Sectors are across the Gulf of California and Baja, thereby a much further trek for any waves of migrants. The Yuma Sector is far too secure and remote. Most of the Tucson Sector is less likely to see massive waves of migrants because it is controlled by the Sinaloa Federation or cartel and is far too valuable as a narcotics corridor for the criminal group to allow large waves of migrants to cross there and bring the increased law enforcement presence that such an increase in illicit border crossings brings. The Mexican cartels that control the regions of the U.S. border in the Del Rio, Laredo, and the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) sectors of Texas–the Gulf and Los Zetas cartels–are most prone to allow the influx and victimize the migrants, however, the migrants would have to cross mountains to get there. The Big Bend Sector, due to its own remoteness and similar factors south of the border in the region, is also unlikely to see massive waves of migrants. In regards to the differences between cartels and the regions they control, the Sinaloa Federation has the ability to organize and prevent their narcotics corridors from being overrun, while the Gulf and Los Zetas cartels are fragmented and fighting each other.

Sylvia Longmire, Breitbart Texas contributing editor, added valuable insight into the topic. She said, “We are likely to see more numbers at the ports of entry rather than in rural or remote desert areas. The individuals fleeing Hurricane Patricia would likely qualify as refugees and thus they would be accorded special status in the U.S. These corridors are areas with a heavy cartel presence and the concern is always that the criminal gangs would take advantage of the increased human flow through their territories. many of these people might realize that they don’t have to pay a cartel to cross between ports of entry. They could simply show up at a port of entry and ask for refugee status.”

Longmire added, “Parts of the Tucson Sector, in addition to the western region of the El Paso Sector, are the most likely landing spots for the people fleeing the aftermath of Hurricane Patricia.”

Follow Breitbart Texas Managing Director Brandon Darby on Twitter: @brandondarby

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Episode 9: Dr. Don Huber Exposes The Truth About GMOs

Do you know what you are eating?

Dr. Don Huber, Professor Emeritus Purdue University, gave a presentation at the Sandpoint Idaho Community Hall on October 10th, 2015, sponsored by the Republican Liberty Caucus of Idaho. For those that missed it, or those on the Youtubes, I encourage you to take notes and continue your own self education. Mr. Huber provided a DROPBOX LINK with 200+ articles, studies, literature and powerpoint presentations for just that, as well as these provided below.


Mr. Resister


SOURCES: banscfm’alene/2015-idaho-liberty-expo-and-film-festival/467227153454907#

California Just Announced It Will Label Monsanto’s Roundup as Cancer Causing

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US Chemical Giant DuPont Heads to Trial Over Decades-Long Acid Poisoning


03:39 15.09.2015(updated 03:41 15.09.2015) Get short URL

One of world’s largest chemical producers, DuPont, is facing litigation from 3,500 West Virginia residents for allegedly contaminating drinking water with a toxic acid that’s been linked to serious disease in thousands of Americans.

Teflon, Nylon and Kevlar — materials that have benefited generations of people worldwide. But what about their cost to the environment?

Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), or C-8, has been used by DuPont’s Washington Works plant in Parkersburg, West Virginia since the 1950s as a processing aid for Teflon and other products.  But fifteen years ago it was discovered how dangerous to human health the toxic substance was, Reuters reports. So, the company started phasing out use of C-8. Slowly.For some, it was already too late. They claim the deadly acid poisoned water supplies, causing any number of serious illnesses, six of which a panel acknowledged in 2004 as being linked to C-8: kidney and testicular cancer, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, pregnancy-induced hypertension and high cholesterol. Their cases will be now reviewed in US court.

The first plaintiff is Carla Marie Bartlett, who says she developed kidney cancer developed after drinking contaminated water. She is one of approximately 3,500 who have sued DuPont in federal court in Ohio. The second trial is due to start in the end of November.

A class action lawsuit against DuPont over C-8 was brought fourteen years ago. In 2004, the company settled, approving funding for medical monitoring programs and the installation of advanced water treatment systems. The company also convened a panel of scientists, which determined the link between C-8 and the six diseases.In 1996, DuPont was ordered to pay $200,000 for C8 area contamination that was killing cattle and deer. Moreover, some of the facility’s employees also became sick.

“We have a problem here in West Virginia and even at the national level, where regulatory agencies are not necessarily doing the best job they could in monitoring and policing these types of facilities,” West Virginia Citizen Action Group Executive Director Gary Zuckett told Sputnik earlier.

Commenting on Barlett’s case, DuPont stated it believes Bartlett’s exposure to C-8 was insufficient to cause health problems, and that other factors, like obesity, may be to blame for her cancer, Reuters reported.

Spokesman Daniel Turner said in a statement that DuPont has worked with regulators, employees and residents to address health and safety concerns, and the company said it has phased out the use of C-8 in recent years.

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California Just Announced It Will Label Monsanto’s Roundup as Cancer Causing

Claire Bernish
September 12, 2015

(ANTIMEDIA) Sacramento, CA — California just dealt Monsanto a blow as the state’s Environmental Protection Agency will now list glyphosate — the toxic main ingredient in the U.S.’ best-selling weedkiller, Roundup — as known to cause cancer.

Under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 — usually referred to as Proposition 65, its original name — chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm are required to be listed and published by the state. Chemicals also end up on the list if found to be carcinogenic by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) — a branch of the World Health Organization.

In March, the IARC released a report that found glyphosate to be a “probable carcinogen.”

Besides the “convincing evidence” the herbicide can cause cancer in lab animals, the report also found:

“Case-control studies of occupational exposure in the U.S.A., Canada, and Sweden reported increased risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma that persisted after adjustments to other pesticides.”

California’s decision to place glyphosate on the toxic chemicals list is the first of its kind. As Dr. Nathan Donley of the Center for Biological Diversity said in an email to Ecowatch, “As far as I’m aware, this is the first regulatory agency within the U.S. to determine that glyphosate is a carcinogen. So this is a very big deal.”

Now that California EPA’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has filed its “notice of intent to list” glyphosate as a known cancer agent, the public will have until October 5th to comment. There are no restrictions on sale or use associated with the listing.

Monsanto was seemingly baffled by the decision to place cancer-causing glyphosate on the state’s list of nearly 800 toxic chemicals. Spokesperson for the massive company, Charla Lord, told Agri-Pulse that “glyphosate is an effective and valuable tool for farmers and other users, including many in the state of California. During the upcoming comment period, we will provide detailed scientific information to OEHHA about the safety of glyphosate and work to ensure that any potential listing will not affect glyphosate use or sales in California.”

Roundup is sprayed on crops around the world, particularly with Monsanto’s Roundup-Ready varieties — genetically engineered to tolerate large doses of the herbicide to facilitate blanket application without harming crops. Controversy has surrounded this practice for years — especially since it was found farmers increased use of Roundup, rather than lessened it, as Monsanto had claimed.

Less than a week after the WHO issued its report naming glyphosate carcinogenic, Monsanto called for a retraction — and still maintains that Roundup is safe when used as directed.

On Thursday, an appeals court in Lyon, France, upheld a 2012 ruling in favor of farmer Paul Francois, who claimed he had been chemically poisoned and suffered neurological damage after inhaling Monsanto’s weedkiller, Lasso. Not surprisingly, the agrichemical giant plans to take its appeal to the highest court in France.

It’s still too early to tell whether other states will follow California’s lead.

This article (California Just Announced It Will Label Monsanto’s Roundup as Cancer Causing) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Claire Bernish and Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11pm Eastern/8pm Pacific. If you spot a typo, email

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